Check this option to have the program wait for confirmation before a file is copied or deleted.
Check this option to not verify writing to the backup disk.
Check existence of backup file on backup disk.
Check this option to compare the source file with its backup.
When the source file is changed since last backup the backup file will be updated.
Check this option to synchronize the source file with its backup. It the backup is changed since last backup the source file will be updated instead.
Check this option to save comments in the Get Info window of the source file in the backup disk.
Check this option to move an older backup file to the 'Archives' folder then copy the source file to the backup disk.
Check this option to defragment a source file after it is backed up.
Scan folders you dragged to the program or added to the template to find new files.
Check this option to resolve alias file inside a folder that is dragged to me.
Check this option to compress the backup file when it is copied from the source file. You need a compression utility for this to work.
Check this option to compress the backup file when it is moved to the archives folder. You need a compression utility for this to work.
When the source file is copied to a bad space on disk, a file will be created which will prevent the bad space from being used again. The program will then try to back up to a good space.
Check this option to encrypt the backup file when it is copied from the source file.
Check this option to have the program asking for encryption key when needed. If this option is not checked the encryption key will be saved with the template.
Check this option to save backup history in a log file.
Check this option to include the parent folder name of a file in the log.
Check this option to include the disk name of a file in the log.
Check this option to log the backup activity of a file when it is first backed up.
Check this option to log the backup activity of a file when it is updated.
Check this option to hide the backup history log in the template.
Check this option to log the backup activity of a file when its old backup is moved to the 'Archives' folder.
Check this option to have the creation date of the backup file checked before it is updated.
Check this option to start backup of a template automatically after it is opened.
Check this option to quit the program after you open a template to backup automatically.
Background Speed
Click this popup menu to choose backup speed when switched into the background.
Click this popup menu to choose how often you want the source file degragmented.
Log Box
OK Box
Check this option to delete the backup file when user deleted the source file before backup. No action will happen when the backup file is changed after last backup.
Check this option to shut down the computer after backup.
Check this option when you don't want the backup files to mix with other files in the backup disk. The backup file will be placed in a folder named the same as the source disk name.
Check this option to save a copy of the template in the backup disk when the program quits.
Check this option to give a verbal notification when backup is done or there is a problem.
The backup file will be replaced if its modified date is changed or the file size of the source file is changed.
Check this option to skip a file when there is a problem with backing it up without waiting for user action.
Check this option to move an older backup file into the incremental folder instead of being replaced with a newer source file.
Check this option to resort the template after a backup is done.
Check this option to archive all backup file into the 'Archives' folder whether or not the source file is changed.
Either the 'Safer Mirror Image' or the 'Incremental' option must be checked for this option to be in effect.
Check this option to use any mounted volume that has not been used for backup to back up new files.
Check this option to shred the backup file before deleting it.
Click at this picture to turn Balloon help on/off.
Check this to back up desktop files to the desktop of backup disk. Otherwise desktop files will be backed up to source folder.
Check this box to have backup wait for OK before it starts.
Click this button to set preferences for automatic backup.
Click this button to set preferences for mirror image backup.
Click this button to set preferences for synchronization.
When this option is checked the program will try to prevent the backup file from fragmenting.
Check this option to use any mounted backup disk to back up new files.
Check this option to hide template dialog during program start up.
Tell the program whether to warn you when a previously backed up file is not found on the disk.
Minimum file size to compress
Use this popup menu to set minimum file size to compress.